Suppose you have lent some amount to a person on the condition that the person will refund all the amount within a specific period. You don’t have any written proof. Years and years have passed, but the person has not refunded you. Then you can write a police complaint for not returning the money application.
Firstly, try to resolve this issue with proper communication; if you fail, only then take legal action. Remember, you may have to spend some money to hire a lawyer.
Another thing you need is any kind of proof, such as text messages, call records, or witness statements.
Here in this post, we have provided two examples of police complaints for not returning money applications:
Example 1: Police Complaint for Not Returning Money Application
The OC
Kalyani police station
Nadia 701234
Subject: complaint for not returning money
I am Biplab Biswas, a permanent resident of Kalyani town that resides in your police station area. I am writing to you to seek your help in the financial dispute that I am facing with my family friend, Anirban Mondal.
5 years ago, I lent a sum of five lakhs to Anirban with the condition that he would refund it within 2 years. I have tried different ways to communicate with him but have failed. He even blocked my number and refused to give me my money.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any written agreement, but I have a WhatsApp chat that shows that he takes money and refuses to give it. Now I don’t have any options other than legal action.
I kindly request that you take the necessary legal action to get back my money.
If you need more document proof, I am ready to provide it to you.
Thank you for your time.
Biplab Biswas

Police Complaint for Not Returning Money Application Format

Example 2: Police Complaint for Not Returning Money Application
The police station
Ck Road
Kolkata 70001
Subject: complaint of money cheating
I hope this letter finds you well. I am Mukund, and I am writing to you to lodge a complaint regarding money cheating. I lent an amount of 2 lakhs to my neighbour with the agreement that he would refund it within 1 year.
After 2 years, I have not received a single penny. I tried my best to connect with the person but failed, and he refused to give it back.
So I request that you take the necessary action to get back the money.
Thanking you
Mukund Roy