Title: The 18th G20 Summit, New Delhi, 2023
From September 9th to September 10th, 2023, India successfully hosted the 18th G20 summit in New Delhi. It was the first time India got the honour of hosting all the leaders in the G20. The event took place at the Bharat Mandapam International Exhibition Convocation Centre, formally known as Pragati Maidan.
The G20 is a group of 20 intergovernmental forums. Every year, all the leaders of the G20 countries meet to address major global issues like economic issues, climate change, and sustainable development. The member countries of the G20 make up 80% of global GDP, 75% of international trade, and two-thirds of the world’s population.
The theme for this G20 summit 2023 was “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”, or “One Earth · One Family · One Future”. This is inspired by the Maha Upnishad. The context of the theme shows India’s commitment to global unity and cooperation.
All the leaders from all the G20 countries attended this summit, including Prime Minister Modi, President Joe Biden, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and other top leaders. India also extended the invitation to the G20 summit to 11 leaders of other nations to participate as guests.
This G20 Summit was very successful, and it was a diplomatic win for India as the Modi administration successfully released the Delhi Declaration, where all the countries agreed on several issues.
The key decision from this event was the “Green Development Pact” which envisaged green development for a sustainable future.
India Middle East-European economic corridor, This is an ambitious India, Middle East, and Europe economic corridor announced during the summit. Other key decisions include digital public infrastructure, membership in the African Union, and many more.
Overall, the 18th G20 summit in New Delhi was very significant; it brought all world leaders together to discuss global economic issues.
The outcomes of the summit are expected to have far-reaching implications for global economic policies and strategies.
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