Report On The Annual Sports Of Your School To Be Published In The School Magazine

Report On The Annual Sports Of Your School


Points: Date-decoration-events-excitement-prize giving


Students, teachers, and non-teaching staff of Kanailal Vidyamandir celebrated the Annual Sports Meet with tremendous enthusiasm today at the ‘Kuthir Math’ ground. Mr. Sisir Ghosh, a renowned player of the Indian football team of yesteryears, was the chief guest for the occasion. The event started at 10.30 am. The national flag and the school flag were hoisted by the Secretary of the Managing Committee and the Headmaster of the institution respectively.

The solemn oath for the event was taken by Debtanu Sengupta, a student of the school who had won a medallion in the inter-district school sports. The running events comprised 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, and 4x100m relay. The jump events included the long jump, high jump, and triple jump. The throwing events were discus, shot-put, and javelin throw. The competitors tried hard to excel in the events. The motto Citius, Altius, Fortius (quicker, higher, stronger) seemed to be, along with the motto of Fair Play, pursued sincerely by the contestants. The position holders were felicitated at the victory stand by different dignitaries.

The last event, ‘Go As You Like’, was an attractive one. Promothesh Sen, a student of Class V, posed as the mascot of the World Cup Football, 2014, and was adjudged the winner. Finally, prizes were distributed and the event came to an end around 3 p.m.

                                                                                        [By Arun Kr. Biswas, Sports Captain, Class XII]

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