The reckless use of plastic bags is a threat to humanity as they are non-biodegradable. We use plastic bags for our convenience, but we never thought about our environment or how plastic bags were harming our biodiversity.
An editorial letter about why plastic carry bags should be banned tells about the bad effects of plastic on the environment and better alternatives to plastic bags.
Question: Write a Letter To The Editor Why Plastic Carry Bags Should be Banned.

- Briefly describe your concern about plastic bags.
- How plastic bags harm our environment
- What is the alternative to plastic bags?
- What are the possible solutions to the problem?
- conclusion
The Editor
The Statesman
Kolkata 700001
Sub: Plastic carry Bags Should Be Banned
Through your esteemed daily, I would like to express my concern about the use of plastic bags and want to appeal to the authority to put a permanent ban on plastic bags.
Plastic bags are a threat to humanity as they cause harm to the planet in various ways.
As plastics are non biodegradable, it takes hundreds of years for them to degrade, creating a landfill. Plastic destroys natural food chains, posing a significant risk to wildlife.
We frequently use plastic bags for convenience without thinking about the consequences of the plastic bags that end up in landfills and oceans. As an individual, every citizen should be responsible for our environment, and we should eliminate the use of plastic bags in our daily lives.
We have to think of a better biodegradable alternative to plastic bags, like paper bags or jute bags made of other biodegradable elements. The government should take the necessary steps to reduce the use of plastic bags. Strict rules should be implemented, and immediate restrictions must be taken on the production of plastic.
Thank you
Yours Faithfully
Biplab Biswas