Write a Paragraph on Uses and Abuses of Internet | What are The Uses and Abuses of Internet

 Internet – Its Uses and Abuses Paragraph

Write a Paragraph on Uses and Abuses of Internet



In the 21st century the word ‘Internet’ is probably one of the most familiar words to the civilized world. It is really a miraculous gift of science. It is like the strange lamp of Aladin that brings necessary information before us in a wink of an eye. 

If one needs any information of any part of the world, he may search it in Google or Yahoo and he will get it at a single click of a mouse. We no longer need to sweat turning from one page to another of a long series of encyclopaedia. E-mail is one of the fastest ways of communication. It has removed the geographical distance. Through e-mail we can send a message to any one within a second. Thus internet saves our valuable labour and time. Internet is also a wonderful source of entertainment and recreation. We can collect news, read books, watch movies and enjoy music through internet. For purchasing or selling a good we no longer need to go to the market or keep a showroom open. Internet has brought both the consumer and the market within the four walls.

But internet has dark sides too. Various obscenes are available in internet. It leads the youth to moral degradation. Spending too much time on social medias wastes our valuable time. Various cyber crimes are conducted with the help of this internet. So, internet is a blessing to us so far as we use it for goodness of mankind.

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