PRÉCIS Title: Welfare for all

 PASSAGE: While wealth is a great factor for bringing happiness in human life, it is easily liable to be taken advantage of by one set of people against others. Besides, wealth has a tendency to concentrate in the hands of a few with the result that the rich become richer and the poor, poorer. We find two classes of people in the existing social order rich, prosperous, comfortable, on one hand and poor, miserable and unfed on the other.

Such differences in economic condition is due to the ill distribution of wealth in the society. The well being and prosperity of a society do not depend on the individual fortunes or improved conditions of a few persons. Human welfare means the greatest good of the greatest number.

PRÉCIS Title: Welfare for all

One feature of wealth is that it is distributed unevenly in the society. This creates division and exploitation. The welfare of a society does not depend on the prosperity of a few but in the wholesome development of the majority.

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