Paragraph on Kanyashree Prakalpa | Kanyashre


Points : Introduction-aims, target, finance-category-incentives-purposes- Speciality -conclusion


Paragraph on Kanyashree Prakalpa

The ‘Kanyashre’ project is a remarkable achievement of our government. The project has been launched to better the condition of the girl students of economically weaker families. The project targets 4 lacks girl students. As much as 1000 crores are kept in the yearly budget to sponsor the girls getting education both in school and college level. It has two categories. Students from class VIII to XII aged below 18 are under K-1 and above 18 are under K-2. Girls applying K-1 forms are given Rs. 500 per year and those of K-2 get Rs. 25000 at a time. The incentives are sent directly to the bank accounts of the applicant girls/As such there is maintained transparency in the disbursement of the funds.

The project has two distinct purposes. On the one hand it will encourage the girl students more and more to avail themselves of education. As such the early marriage rate of the girls will be lessened. On the other, the project will certainly arrest drop-outs. The new project has already obtained worldwide recognition. On 14th August, 2014 the Kanyashre Day was observed all over the state. The UNICEF sent its representatives to attend the principal function. The other states of India are thinking over the initiation of the project soon. In short, the Kanyashre project is just not an aid to the girls. It is rather a belief that the govt. stands by them and encourages them to ensure a good future.

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