Notice Writing on Safe Drinking Water

Q:Suppose you are the Secretary of the Eco-club of your school. Now write a notice (in 120 words) for the students on ‘Safe Drinking Water to make them conscious about the problems of drinking water.

All of you are aware that water is the source and substance of life in our planet. For being alive we require water as a vital and basic need. Safe drinking water is the basic need for every human being. Impure drinking water causes much harm to us. In India unsafe, contaminated drinking water causes the outbreak of a lot of dangerous diseases like diarrhoea, jaundice or typhoid every year in one part of the country or the other. Recently UNICEF has taken up a programme to ensure safe drinking water for all the citizens of India. We should collect water from safe sources like tube-wells and well-kept wells. Secondly, drinking water should be boiled for half an hour before consumption and be kept in clean containers with lids. All of our fellow students are urged to maitain these simple measures at home to ensure safe drinking water for oneself and one’s family.

9th March

Secretary Eco-Club

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