Notice Writing on Free Eye Treatment Camp

Q: Imagine that you are the secretary of a club which offers social services to local people. Write a notice on behalf of your club to inform the public that an Eye Treatment Camp will be run by you for a given period. A specialist will conduct the treatment programme. In the notice the following particulars should be given along with the main information :

(a) Name of the locality of the club. 

(b) Name of the Eye specialist (use an imaginary name) 

(c) Time when the camp will be held with dates and hours.

27th March, 2021 

The kind attention of everyone concerned is drawn to the fact that Kalyan Samity, Madhyamgram, keeping its promise to render social service, is going to conduct an Eye Treatment Camp in its premises from April 16, to April 23 . The patients, having problems in the eye will be treated free of cost. The noted ophthalmologist Dr. I.B. Roy has kindly consented to conduct the camp. The camp will remain open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. everyday during the period. 

Interested persons are requested to meet the undersigned for further details.

Debanjan Banerjee, Secretary 

Kalyan Samity

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