Letter on Irregular Clearance of Garbage | Garbage cleaning operation

 Q: Write a letter in about 150 words to the Panchayet Pradhan of your locality telling him about your problem of pollution due to the dumping of garbage pollution due to the dumping of garbage in front of your house. Solicit his help in solving the problem. The following points might help you problem.  

The following points might help you to write the letter. Points : You live in a small brick house—a tiled roof Problems caused by neighbours; garbage dumped in front of house. A foul smell; breeding ground for flies and insects. Attract stray dogs, castle-eyesore. Request for cleaner surroundings

Letter on Irregular Clearance of Garbage



To,                                                                                                                                12th Feb, 2021

The Pradhan,

Kirtipur Kirtipur Gram Panchayat, 


North 24 Parganas. 



I would like to inform you that I am a resident of Simulia village in your panchayet. I live in a small brick house with a tiled roof in the eastern fringe of the village beside the canal. For some ‘months I have been facing the problem, caused by the garbages dumped in front of my house. Since the Panchayat has issued order to clean village, my neighbours are regularly dumping wastes beside the canal and as my house is located here, I have to suffer much from this. The heap of garbage gives off a foul and overpowering smell, specially after a shower of rain.

The dump has been the ideal breeding ground for both the flies and insects like mosquitoes. The stray dogs and sometimes cattles too rummage the garbage heaps in search of food. As a result the refuses lie strewn all around my house, making not only an eyesore but at the same time turning the environment totally insanitary.

I shall request you to take immediate measure for providing me a cleaner surrounding to live in.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Saikat Pal

Simulia, PO. Krtipur,

Dist. N24Pgs

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Editorial letter on Irregular Clearance of Garbage

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