PRÉCIS writing example on: The changing position of women in India

PASSAGE: The position of Indian women is much better than it was a few decades ago. This is largely due to a conscious and earnest endeavour on the part of social reformers, educationists and political leaders. In the 19th century, a woman could not come out publicly without a male companion. But the 20th century had ushered in an era of dynamic change and new concepts. Women felt more dignified and received more importance.

In India, the progressive movements were supported well by people’s determination and it was easier to throw off the shackles that had tied women. But such a thing happened only after India had gained freedom and emerged as a sovereign republic. Earlier in the pre-independence era, the position of women was not so good as it is now. No one can forget the tireless efforts put in by Raja Rammohan Roy or Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar to liberate women. The principle of equality in the constitution guarantees an honourable position to the female folk. They can now become equal partners with men.[163 words]

PRÉCIS Title: The changing position of women in India 

Women have attained dignity to some extent only in the recent times. There have been constant endeavours on all sides to ensure the right to equality for women. But the concept of the independence of women emerged after India herself gained independence. Great men have put in their sincere efforts so that women become at par with men.[54 words]

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