Notice writing on Tree Plantation Programme in School

 Q: As the secretary of the Eco-club of your school write a notice in about 80 words requesting the students to participate in the Tree Plantation Programme of your school. Get the notice contersigned by the Head of the Institution. You may use the following points :

(Date and place of the programme details of the programme—the role of the students)

Also read:

Notice on Debate Competition
Notice writing on Awareness Programme against Malaria and Dengue
Notice On Blood Donation Camp In Club

The students of Bagmari Mohan Academy are hereby informed that the Eco-club of our school is going to organise a Tree Plantation Programme in our school on 5th June, 2021. Twenty saplings will be planted all around our school compound. The students of each unit of the school will maintain these saplings for the next year. All the students are requested to participate in this programme.

 Bagmari, Kolkata

10th May, 2023

Debarghya Ganguly


Bagmari Mohan Academy

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