Q: Suppose you are the Cultural Secretary of your school. Now write a notice inviting students to attend the Rabindra Jayanti celebration in school.
Rabindra Jayanti celebration in school
Date: 20/04/2021
All the students of our school are hereby notified that our school G.T Memorial is going to organize a cultural programme on the occasion of Rabindranath Tagore’s birth anniversary on the 25th Boishakh. The programme will be held on the school ground, 9th may. Our Chief guest on this occasion will be The Governor of West Bengal Mr Keshari Nath Tripathi. The programme will begin with Rabindra Sangeet. Tagore’s written and composed different poetries, dances and dramas, will be performed by various students from all the classes of our school. Our beloved teachers will draw the detailed life sketch of Rabindranath Tagore in front of the students and his contributions to this nation.
It will end with a painting competition, to take part in this competition students are requested to enroll their name to the class monitor. All the students are requested to attend the cultural fest.
(s/d. ………..)
S.K. Roy
G.T Memorial
Arindam Kumar
Cultural Committee (Secretary )
G.T Memorial
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