My Vision For India In 2047 Essay In English

My vision for India in 2047: It’s been 100 years since our independence, and I want my country to be a superpower by 2047. We want to be the most powerful economy in the world. We must enrich the defense sector. As a common countryman, I dreamed of our country’s 100 years of independence, as described in the, my vision for india in 2047 essay in english.

My Vision For India In 2047 Essay In English

My Vision For India In 2047 Essay In English

In 2047, India is going to celebrate its 100 years of independence from British rule. As true patriotic countrymen, we always dream of making the country big and democratically successful. So the coming 25 years are very significant for India’s growth.

My vision for India in 2047 is that I want to see my country free from all the social evils like poverty, corruption, unemployment, and malnutrition. Where everyone will get equal opportunity based on their knowledge and skills, no matter what their background or religion is.

I want to see the women of my country be more empowered. They can make their own decision. Nobody is compelled to do anything in order to prove themselves to society. I dreamed of an India where education, from primary school to higher education, is free for all. No child should be forced into child labor.

I dreamed of an India where all the religions together would make our society stronger. I imagined a clean India free of all forms of pollution. We should be more sophisticated and established in the field of science and technology.

If we do not take action in the present, the dream will remain a dream. to make our country a superpower by the 100th anniversary of its independence in 2047. Every citizen should be responsible for society, and they should be punctual in their duties.

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