Letter Writing on Uninterrupted Power Supply

Question: Write a letter to the Superintendent of CESC telling him to ensure an uninterrupted supply of power during the examination days.

uninterrupted supply of power


The Superintendent CESC,

Alipore Kolkata-700027

Sub: Request for uninterrupted power supply


On behalf of all the students of Alipore I beg to state that we are suffering from prolonged power cuts over the past month or so. Our Madhyamik Pariksha will be held from 1st to 10th February 2022. I request you sincerely to arrange for proper precautionary measures so that we do not experience any power crisis on those days.

I hope you will look into the matter in the interest of the students.

Dated: 28.06.2022

Yours truly,

Avik Mukhopadhyay

126, Judges Court Road

Alipore Kolkata-700027

Uninterrupted Power Supply Letter writing Video:

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