Application For New Bank Passbook | Letter To The Bank Manager

Commonly, we lose an important document, suppose you have lost your bank passbook and you need it, then what do you have to do?  You have to write a complaint letter to the bank manager with proper details, here is an example letter.

Application for new Bank Passbook


The manager

SBI Bank

Bank address

Branch name

Date: 21/06/2022

Sub: Application for new Bank Passbook


I am Rahul Biswas, A savings account holder in your SBI Branch With the account number 89992333xxx.

I want to inform you that yesterday 20th Jun 2022 I lost my savings account passbook while I was traveling on a train. Sir, I need the passbook urgently for document verification.

Therefore I would like to request you to issue a duplicate bank passbook for my savings account. I will be grateful for your kind help.

Thank you



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This question may be also asked as:

  1. Application for new passbook .
  2. Complaint letter for loss of passbook in the bank manager .
  3. Letter to the bank manager .

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